Cultural Immersion Peru:
Cultural Immersion Peru: In a country with more than 5,000 years of Culture, there has being built a rich cultural legacy, and the local are proud of it, and willing to share with you.
From village homestay, to live interactive museum, our cultural tours, covers activities that are dream, and a live show is not a show, is a real interpretation of our past culture, and the activities is a way of making living for local people.
We have authentic programs, and this are the real cultural immersion trips that will show you Peru, on its entire significance and importance to the man kind.
Village Homestay Tour: Cusco and all tourist attractions of Peru are amazing, but if you want to get involved in the culture, we invite you to spend couple days or more in a traditional village where you can interact with the people, and work on their fields, learn some local language, eat healthy an organic meals, and get our form the stress of the big cities.
Cusco Culinary Tour: have you hear that Peru has the most bio diverse food, thousands of tastes, and locals are happy to share all this with you? Yes! That is true and here we have a program that allows you to visit nice sites in the city, get in to the market, but ingredients for the meal and prepare in a place adequate for this.
Cusco Culinary tours, are for all likes and gives you a perfect opportunity to share meaningful time with your, friends or family making something in group, and learning how to prepare tasty local chosen dishes.
Peru Mystical Tours: Have you year about shamans, in Peru we have authentic shamans who have inherited the knowledge from their ancestry and still do service to the community, the spiritual Andean shamans are from different remote and small villages, people who can help your through inca ritual can help you to follow the white path and bloom your heart in a happy life.
Our Peru shamanic activities include: meditation, healing, offering to mother earth and mountain souls, spiritual cleansing, get anticipated to the future events with the coca leaf’s reading rituals, Andean shaman wedding ceremonies, and pilgrimage trips to sanctuaries.